Help me understand this pseudocode... bit confused on how i should be reading this...

// Declarations
// num dollars
// output "Please enter the a whole dollar amount (no cents!). Input 0 to terminate: "
// input dollars
// while ( dollars <> 0)
// displayBills(dollars)
// output "Please enter the a whole dollar amount (no cents!). Input 0 to terminate: "
// input dollars
// endwhile
// Stop
// displayBills(num dollars)
// Declarations
// num ones
// num fives
// num tens
// num twenties
// num temp
// twenties = dollars / 20
// temp = dollars % 20
// tens = temp / 10
// temp = temp % 10
// fives = temp / 5
// ones = temp % 5
// output "The dollar amount of ", dollars, " can be represented by the following monetary denominations"
// output " Twenties: ", twenties
// output " Tens: ", tens
// output " Fives: ", fives
// output " Ones: ", ones
// return

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

    int dollars;
    cout << "Please enter the whole dollar amount (no cents!)." <<cin>>;

    while(dollars<>0) { <<displayBills(dollars)
        cout << "Please enter the whole dollar amount (no cents!)." <<;
    <<cin>> dollars;
int ones, fives, tens, twenties, temp,;
twenties = (dollars/20);
temp = (dollars%20);
tens = (temp/10);
temp = (temp%10);
fives = (temp/5);
ones =(temp%5);
cout <<"The dollar amount of", dollars, " can be represented by the following monetary denominations" >> cin>>;
cout     << "     twenties:", twenties, tens:", tens, fives:",fives, ones:", ones " >> <<cin>>

return 0;


im not understanding what it is exactly the pseudocode wants me to do here.. is there 2 programs or just a header section before the int main? please help
zmlink wrote:
im not understanding what it is exactly the pseudocode wants me to do here

not supprised that psudocode is awfull

Start = int main()
// Declarations
// num dollars
// output "Please enter the a whole dollar amount (no cents!). Input 0 to terminate: "
// input dollars
// while ( dollars <> 0) enter a while loop you need to decide which to use while(dollars > 0) or while (dollars < 0)
// displayBills(dollars) //this is a function call which means you need to make a function called displayBills
// output "Please enter the a whole dollar amount (no cents!). Input 0 to terminate: "
// input dollars
// endwhile
// Stop

//this should be in its own function
displayBills(num dollars) beginning of function
// Declarations
// num ones
// num fives
// num tens
// num twenties
// num temp

//these calculations are used to calculate differant dollars
// twenties = dollars / 20 calculates the amount of twenties in dollars
// temp = dollars % 20 calculates the remainder after the twenties are removed
// tens = temp / 10 ect
// temp = temp % 10 ect
// fives = temp / 5
// ones = temp % 5

//output the amount of each type of dollars
/ output "The dollar amount of ", dollars, " can be represented by the following monetary denominations"
// output " Twenties: ",
// output " Tens: ", tens
// output " Fives: ", fives
// output " Ones: ", ones
// return

output should look like
Twenties: 5
Tens: 5
Fives: 5
Ones: 5
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thanks i have no idea how to do the calculation parts ive never done anything like that before.. but at least i was right that it was messed up or more difficult then it needed to be.
The calculations go like this.

Assume dollars equals 99

remember integer division gives you the number of times one number goes into another. for example 9 / 2 is 4 because 2 goes into 9 4 times evenly.

modulus division gives the remainder of integer division. so 9 % 2 is 1 because 1 is the remainder left over when you divide 9 / 2

twenties = dollars / 20 dollars is divided by 20 which gives you 4 this value is stored in twenties.

temp = dollars % 20 dollars still equals 99 at this point. modulus division is used to calculate the remainder of dollars divided by 20. 20 divides evenly into 99 4 times for a total of 80. 99- 80 is 19 the remainder is 19 and is stored in temp.

tens = temp / 10 temp equals 19 at this point. 19 is divided by 10 the result is 1 because 10 goes into 19 once. So tens equals 1

temp = temp % 10 uses modulus division to calculate the dollar amount after all tens have been removed from temp. temp equals 19. 10 divides evenly into 19 once leaving a remainder of 9. so temp equals 9.

fives = temp / 5 divides 9 by 5 to get the number of fives in nine. five divides evenly into 9 once so fives now equal one.

ones = temp % 5 temp still equals 9 here so we divide five into nine once to get a remainder of 4. So ones now equals 4

Twenties: 4
Tens: 1
Fives: 1
Ones: 4

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whoa.. thats insane lil difficult still cant get my function involving the calculations correct at all ;/ this might to be hard for my crap math skills lol
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