So the function is working. I'm trying to search for a Node of zip codes in a binary tree created from a file. and it finds it. However, when I try to return the value back to the main function it doesn't work properly.I think it has to do with passing the Node between functions,but I don't see what is wrong.
//In BinarySearchTree.cpp
template <class T>
T BST<T>::GetItem(T item, bool& found)
return Retrieve(root,item,found); //tried to cout the Node here
//and it wouldn't
template <class T>
T BST<T>::Retrieve(NodePointer temp, T item, bool& found)
elseif(item< temp->data)
elseif (item > temp->data)
item = temp->data;
found = true;
return temp->data;//cout'ed this in this function and it worked fine(I overloaded the operator). This is where the Node is found at.
//In main.cpp
bool found=false;
cout<<"Enter zip: ";
search.setZip(zip);//assign a zip
Zipfile zipfile1 = zipfile.GetItem(search,found);//this operator is overloaded too but its just crashing.
found=false; // you set found, but you never check it + the return value is undefined
elseif(item< temp->data)
Retrieve(temp->left,item,found); // what happens to the return value here?
so your problem is the return value. found is for the recursion irrelevant.
template <class T>
T BST<T>::Retrieve(NodePointer temp, T item, bool& found)
T result = T(); // this sets the return value to default
elseif(item< temp->data)
result = Retrieve(temp->left,item,found);
elseif (item > temp->data)
result = Retrieve(temp->right,item,found);
item = temp->data;
found = true;
result = temp->data;//cout'ed this in this function and it worked fine(I overloaded the operator). This is where the Node is found at.
return result;