The program must use a fixed array of AdressBook objects and size it to 1000 elements. The code should look like this:
const int ADDR_BOOK_SZ = 1000;
AdressBook addrBook[ADDR_BOOK_SZ];
This application should display a console menu that looks like this:
Open an address book file
Add a new address book entry
Print the contents of current address book
When a) is selected, the program prompts the user to enter a file path for the address book file. It should open the file, read in the 7 lines of data for each entry into the next element of addrBook array. Reading of the file should continue until there are no more entries left in the file.
The b) option should prompt the user to enter the 7 lines for a new address book entry contained within the AddEntryFromConsole() method. This method should first check to see if an address book file has been opened yet through selection a). A function in the main function should also verify that the address book entry does not already exist by using the overloaded “==” operator. If it does not already exist, add that entry to the next element in the addrBook array using the overloaded assignment operator, ‘=’, and also append it to the address book file using the AppendToFile() method.
The c) option should print the current contents of the address book array, which should match the contents of the address book file. It should also print the number of entries currently contained.
Ok, so that's the task, and as for my question I seem to have difficuly refering to things like #include "AddressBook.h", I'll let you see the code I have: