help with getch()

Hi, I'm working on a c++ program. It's a sudoku solver and till now I got it.

int sudoku[9][9];//The array which stores entries for the sudoku
void solvesudoku(int,int);
int checkrow(int row,int num)
{//This function checks whether we can put the number(num) in the row(row) of the Sudoku or not
int column;
return 0 ;//If the number is found already present at certain location we return zero
return 1;//If the number is not found anywhere we return 1
int checkcolumn(int column,int num)
{//This function checks whether we can put the number(num) in the column(column) of the Sudoku or not
int row;
return 0;//If the number is found already present at certain location we return zero
return 1;//If the number is not found anywhere we return 1
int checkgrid(int row,int column,int num)
{//This function checks whether we can put the number(num) in the 3*3 grid or not
//We get the starting row and column for the 3*3 grid
row=(row/3)*3 ;
int r,c;
return 0;//If the number is found already present at certain location we return zero
return 1;//If the number is not found anywhere we return 1
void navigate(int row,int column)
{//Function to move to the next cell in case we have filled one cell
void display()
{//The function to display the solved Sudoku
int row,column;
printf("THE SOLVED SUDOKU \n");
printf("%d ",sudoku[row][column]);
void solvesudoku(int row,int column)
if(row>8)//If the row number is greater than 8 than we have filled all cells hence we have solved the sudoku
navigate(row,column);//If the value filled at a cell is not zero than it is filled with some value from 0 to 9 hence we move further
int ctr;//This is a counter to check numbers from 1 to 9 whether the number can be filled in the cell or not
{//We check row,column and the grid
sudoku[row][column]=0;//No valid number was found so we clean up and return to the caller.

int main()
int row,column;
printf("Enter the desired sudoku and enter 0 for unknown entries\n");
solvesudoku(0,0);//We start solving the sudoku.

I got this on a web site since I need it in my Computer class. But it has a problem with getch(); The message says "Identifier "getch" undefined".
Please help. Thanks. Devra
Just delete it. If you gon sane IDE it will stop and let you read output anyway.
getch() is non-standard. If you want to use it, add this line at the top of the program:
#include <conio.h>

However, not all compilers support this.
Thanks very much now I can run the program but after writing info it show the output and it closes within a second.
You can put cin.ignore(); at the end of the program to hold it open.
Which change did you make, delete the getch or add the include?
Delete the getch.
Yanson wrote:
You can put cin.ignore(); at the end of the program to hold it open.

whoops you can ignore this I just noticed that this is c not c++. For some reason I can't edit my post
The program is c?
std::cin.ignore(500,'\n');//Or include <limits> and place std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max() instead of 500
instead of getch

The program is c?
It doesn't use any of C++ features preferring old non-safe C methods instead.
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Use either getch() if supported in conio.h, otherwise use the standard getchar() which is in stdio.h

getchar() requires some character followed by enter, getch() requires just a single keystroke.
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Can I transform the old non-safe c method to C++?
Well... Stream operations instead of printf()/scanf(), return bool instead of int where needed.
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