I had a program that had regular pointers and dynamic array pointers such as
int *numptr=#
1 2 3
int *arrayNum;
Now I obviously included the delete command delete [] arrayNum; for the second one (dynamic array) at the end of the program, but my teacher said I had forgotten to delete the other one (numptr). Do normal pointers have to be deleted at the end of the program as well??
You only delete what you new
You only delete[] what you new[]
If you did not use new or new[], then you should not use delete or delete[].
Your teacher may have meant for you to null the pointer out when you were done with it to avoid a dangling pointer, which is different from a memory leak.
If you can use C++11, you would write pointer = nullptr;
If you can't use C++11 (e.g. the above doesn't work) then yes, you would usually write pointer = 0;
You should always null out pointers when you are done with them, even in both cases.
There is a convoluted and rare reason to do such a thing:
1 2 3 4 5
int &num = *newint; //reference to heap-allocated int
int *numptr = # //these two lines are basically 'int *numptr = new int;'
delete numptr;
delete #
It is a very rare and stupid case that you should never do or worry about - it is improper coding, but it is valid C++.