I searched through the forums and couldn't find any relevant material to my question. In some tutorials listed on this site the coding window has the line numbers on it.
1 //12.9 yada yada
3 #include <whatever>
5 using namespace ThisAndThat
6 int main ()
The numbers justified on the far left are what I am looking to make visible in Visual C++. After looking for a while I could not solve it on my own.
*Could anyone help me with the path to make these numbers appear?
It would help debugging much easier to locate the problem lines. The current method I've been using is // Line 10, // Line 20 etc. to help me locate, but it gets a little tiring. Thank you for the help.
I don't know about showing line numbers as such. But going from memory i believe that on the "Edit" menu you can click "Goto" or "Goto Line" or something similar, type in the line number you want, and visual c++ will highlight that line.
Thank you all for your responses. I have corrected the problem(s) I have been having. I appreciate all your inputs.
Helios, thanks for the shortcut key
Gumbercules, thanks for the pathway
Now, thanks for the extra information, when I make code longer than 50 lines, your tip will help me a bunch.