I need some assistance. I'm trying to simulate how machine language works using C++ coding rather than assembly. My goal is to load a program into simulated RAM and simulate RTN instructions. The instructionsn should apply one at a time. I can get my code to compile and input the data file, however, when I actually attempt to run the RTN instructions, my code crashes. I've tried to comment out the switch and only run the "fetch" but the program still crashes. This is a grey area as the book I have only explains the machine language function and not how to simulate the language in C++ which is why I'm reaching out here. Any assistance would be appreciative. Here's my work thus far:
void into_Memory( string filename ) {
int memory = 0;
fstream program;
program.open( filename.c_str() );
if( !program.is_open() ) {
cout << filename <<" does not exist!\n";
system ("pause");
while( program >> hex >> memory ) {
program >> hex >> RAM[memory];
cout << "Program loaded successfully!\n\n";
void print_Memory() {
for( int i = 0; i < 4096; i++ )
if( !RAM[i] == 0 )
cout << hex << i << " " << RAM[i] << endl;
cout << "Program Count: " << PC << endl;
cout << "Instruction Register: " << IR << endl;
void run_Program() { //fetch
int operand;
int isRunning = 1;
AddressRange PC, MAR;
WordSize Temp;
CodeSize OP;
AddressRange Addr;
while(isRunning) {
PC = PC + 1;
OP = IR/0xFFF;
operand = IR%0xFFF;
switch (OP) { // Execute Opcode
case 01 : MAR = Addr; // LDA Addr
MDR = Memory[ MAR ];
A = MDR;
case 02 : MAR = Addr; // STA Addr
MDR = A;
Memory[ MAR ] = MDR;
case 03 : Temp = A; // XAB
A = B;
B = Temp;
case 04 : A = 0; // CLA
case 20 : MAR = Addr; // ADD Addr
MDR = Memory[ MAR ];
A = A + MDR;
case 21 : MAR = Addr; // SUB Addr
MDR = Memory[ MAR ];
A = A - MDR;
case 30 : PC = Addr; // JMP
// break;
case 99 : exit(0); // HLT
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
string filename;
fstream program;
int isRunning = 1;
char choice;
PC = 0;
MBR = 0;
IR = 0;
cout << "Please enter the name of the data file: ";
cin >> filename;
void run_Program()
int operand;
int isRunning = 1;
AddressRange PC, MAR;
WordSize Temp;
CodeSize OP;
AddressRange Addr;
while (isRunning)
... etc.
At line 5, PC is defined but is not initialised. It could contain any random garbage value. Thus at line 12, RAM[PC] is accessing some random location in memory. From here on, results are unpredictable.
There is also a global variable named PC. You need to decide which one to use, don't have both local and global PC.
Also, you allocate a couple of arrays of 4095 elements, but the loop for ( int i = 0; i < 4096; i++ ) is accessing a total of 4096 elements, not 4095.
Thank you for the heads up on the Global decloration for PC. I ended up removing the Address Range decloration and kept the global decloration. The reason that I'm using "RAM [PC]" is I'm trying to mimic an RTN instruction. This may not work since C++ might not read it the same. I guess what I'm trying to do is translate:
MAR <-- PC
MAR <-- IR[11..0]
PC <-- PC + 2
RA <-- Mem[MAR]
if IR[15..12] == 1 do ...