I've been trying to make a simple console game, and for whatever reason a while loop broke on me. I could swear this is the same code that was working ten minutes earlier.
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cout << "Are you a male or female?: ";
cin >> sex;
while(sex != "male" || "Male" || "MALE" || "female" || "Female" || "FEMALE")
cout << "I'm sorry, my hearing must be leaving me. Could you repeat that?" << endl;
cout << "Are you a male or female?: ";
cin >> sex;
For the life of me I can't figure out why this quit working. If i change it to
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cout << "Are you a male or female?: ";
cin >> sex;
while(sex != "male")
cout << "I'm sorry, my hearing must be leaving me. Could you repeat that?" << endl;
cout << "Are you a male or female?: ";
cin >> sex;
it executes properly, but then the program doesn't do the desired task.
I don't think it is necessary to try and allow for every possible combination of input.
Most people would ask for M or F or T (if you wanted to allow for trans-gender)
So you can use the toupper function to convert to upper case, then use a switch statement to carry out the appropriate action. Put a default: clause in to catch any bad input.
Don't forget to look at the reference section at the top left of this page.
I have the string defined, and it was working before, but for some reason the loops just runs continually.
Alright, what I got out of your post is that I need to look up "toupper" and "default: clause" haha. I'll check the references, thanks.
Really what I'm doing is just setting up a project so I can learn as I go, when I want the program to do something I don't know how to do, I'll figure it out! Thing is, I thought I knew how to do this haha.