I need help creating collision for this simple 2D scroller in ActionScript. I want the collision to detect when the player hits a wall and makes the player stop moving. The sample below is similiar to how I have the program to detect if the player is actually on the ground and it registers that just fine. But when I try to change it around to stop the player from moving pass the wall it does not work. Can someone please help me.
This is the code for my project:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
//checking for hitting a wall
for(var i:int = 0;i<blockHolder.numChildren; i++){
//getting the current block
var hitBlock:DisplayObject = blockHolder.getChildAt(i);
//checking hit test and if main is passed the brick
if(mcMain.hitTestObject(hitBlock) && hitBlock.x < mcMain.x ){
mainHitWall = true;
mainSpeed = mainSpeedWall;
mainHitWall = false;