This is beatiful. 3 weeks ago I was struggling with the i/o syntax, loops and arrays.
My progress is slowly starting to show. I may be a slow newbie learner, but there is hope I guess. I've never copied any code, so I believe this is a big improvement.
Thanks. Yeah it was pretty much a test on how many different ways I could create this.
I did it with simple structure syntax, then with structure and arrays, then with pointers and arrays. Later I may do it with vectors if possible.
The reason why I use getline alot, and converting string to int on line 26. Is because I believe it tends to cause less bugs and crashes if something goes wrong.
Right, when publishing software to users who don't follow convention it is best practice to make sure the user input is always controlled. Good work. I've been learning for about a month and a half as well, and I can't see anything I don't understand! Good work