string findwords(string line, unsigned startpos)
while(startpos != line.length())
unsigned endpos = startpos;
unsigned wordlength = endpos - startpos;
string word = line.substr(startpos, (wordlength + 1)); //creates a string to hold the characters of the word
unsigned begletter = startpos;
unsigned endletter = endpos;
while (!isalpha(word[endletter]))
if((endletter - begletter) >= 3) ///determines if the word is longer than 3 letters
unsigned startletter = begletter - startpos; //gives position of the first letter for the word array
unsigned finletter = endletter - begletter;
string wordletters = word.substr(startletter, (finletter + 1)); //creates a string to hold the letters of the word
unsigned begword = 1; //variable for position of second letter in the word (aka: first interior letter)
unsigned endword = finletter - 1; //variable for position of last interior letter
string interiorchar = wordletters.substr(begword, endword); //creates a string to hold the interior characters of the word
int nowsize = interiorchar.length();
for(int i = 0; i <= (endword - 1); i++)
wordletters[(i + 1)] = interiorchar[i]; //copies jumbled characters into their positions within the word letters
for (int i = 0; i <= finletter; i++)
word[(startletter + i)] = wordletters[i];
for (int i = 0; i <= wordlength; i++)
line[(startpos + i)] = word[i]; //copies jumbled word into its spot in the line
if (endpos < (line.length() - 1))
startpos= endpos + 1;
else if (endpos == (line.length() - 1))
startpos = line.length();
return line;
That error means an array either has two many elements or too few elements somewhere, I believe. Possibly you're trying to access an array element that doesn't exist, using a conditional or loop?
Try double checking the validity of your subscripts array[Subscript] for any arrays you use.
Yeah, I know the error means I'm trying to access a character in a string that doesn't exist. I figured out some of the things I did wrong and fixed it. Could you take a look at it now and see if you can see why it's still giving me that error. I don't know where I could be trying to access a character out of range...