need help on these inputs guys, lost

Create a program in c++ that prompt user to enter in following order

- A number of quarters
- A number of nickels
- A number of dimes
- A number of penny

The program ask a user to guess the value entered in dollar
The program should display the value entered in dollar and state if the user was close, correct or wrong in his guess.

We define close guess if the margin is less or equal than a nickel.
Correct if the guessed value equal to value entered
The value is wrong if the value guessed is less or greater than a nickel

B: Questions
Explain with architecture diagram how the arithmetic and logic operations are performed in a computer

What would be the value displayed after the execution of following program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int A =3;
int b=3;
if ((A * b) >8)
int A=7;
cout << A;
return 0;


What would be the value displayed after the execution of following program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int A =3;
int b=3;

A=b+3 + (3*b) –(1*a) + (A/b);

cout << A;

closed account (3qX21hU5)
First please use codetags when you paste code to the forums (Highlight all your code and then hit the <> button under format:), it makes the code much easier to read for everyone. Anyways onto your problems.

You have listed all your assignments but didn't ask a question. Please post what you have done so far and we can try and push you in the right direction.

If you haven't started any code, walk us through what you think you should do and we will help correct any logic mistakes you might have made.

We can't help you if we have nothing to work with, because we will not just do the program for you and we will not answer and explain the answers to your question. You need to figure this out by yourself (With a little guidence from more experienced users), because this is what programming is about. It is about solving problems for people and a lot of the times it is solving problems on your own without anyone to help you.
I do understand that you guys are here to push me in the right direction, but I'm not exactly sure how to enter in the prompts. i how to set up the beginning but as far putting in the values for the cents, i'm so lost. I'll post what I have, feedback would be greatly appreciated
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