can someone explain to me how to use other "libraries"? |
1) Download the library source code.
2) Put the source somewhere you'll be able to refer to it later. Like designate a separate directory for libraries or something.
3) Figure out how to build the library. This varies from library to library. Most have tutorials or guides on their sites to walk you through the process, and some (C libs mostly) do not require the lib to be build manually at all. This difficulty of this step can vary greatly depending on the lib.
4) Configure your IDE and give it paths so it knows where to look for #include lines and for linker files. This varies from IDE to IDE. You probably should not be modifying any environment variables to do this... unless you're not using an IDE.
5) In programs that use the lib, you will need to
#include <libs_header_file>
to access the stuff in the lib
6) In programs that use the lib, you will also need to link to the library binaries. This is also a setting in your IDE which varies from IDE to IDE.
I can't get into any more details without getting into specific IDEs. And I'm only familiar with a few of them.
but there i have to use vim, so the process is slow (open vim, edit, save, exit vim, compile and run, reopen file in vim, etc) |
I'm no expert with vim, but if it's slow you must be using it wrong. There is no reason why you'd have to exit vim to compile and run a program.
That said... it's certainly easier (imo) if you use a proper IDE. Compiling and running is as easy as pushing a single button.
is there a way to be like a windows IDE to have a separate window to see the results of my program? or a faster short-cutty way to execute my current vim-c++-programming mode. |
I'm sure there is. From what I understand, there is very little that vim cannot do. However, I cannot help you out in this area since I have never used it. Hopefully someone else can chime in on this one.