I m new to c++. I have studied C++concepts, DATA file Handling and Data structures in c++.I've been using Turbo c++ andNow i am having problems in switching to Code::Blocks or Microsoft Visual C++. They are not able to run a simple hello world program which ran flawlessly in turbo c++.
.h versions of headers are deprecated. Rule of thumb: if standart header have ".h" do not use it. There: ( http://cplusplus.com/reference/ ) you can see C++ headers and corresponding deprecated versions.
#include<conio.h> — Non-standart deprecated library. Do not use it. Modern compilers don't even have it.
To prevent console closing: http://cplusplus.com/articles/iw6AC542/
Code::Blocks + gcc will not close console automaticly after program finish executing, so you don't even need to prevent that.