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// Template
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
void findX (string s, vector<unsigned>& found, unsigned& idx, unsigned& pos, char& findChar)
if (idx != 0){
pos = found[idx-1];
found.push_back (s.find(findChar, pos+1));
cout << findChar << " is " << found[idx] << " places into the string." << endl;
if (found[idx]!=string::npos){ // if more matches, then...
findX(s, found, idx, pos, findChar); // Recursion
int main()
char findChar = ' ';
unsigned idx = 0;
string str = " ";
unsigned pos = 0;
vector<unsigned> found;
cout << "Please input a string of text: \n";
getline(cin, str);
cout << "Please enter a character to find in this string: ";
cin >> findChar;
findX(str, found, idx, pos, findChar); // Call recusrive function