Hi everyone. For a project for my class I am given a phylogenetic tree that is in an xml file. We are to use RapidXML to parse the data in this tree and to build a multiway tree in memory so that it can be searched in different ways. I know how to traverse the tree breadth first using a queue to create nodes from the xml node data, but I'm getting stuck on how to create relationships between these nodes. That is how to add a child node to a parent. I've posted my code below. Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! I'm really stumped
class Node
std::string name;
std::vector<Node *> children; //vector of pointers to the child nodes
Node(std::string n);
void add(Node* n) {children.push_back(n);}
Node* get(size_t i) {return children[i];}
size_t size() const {return children.size();}
Node::Node(std::string n)
name = n;
class Tree
//pointer to the root node
Node *root;
bool empty() const {return root == NULL;}
void setRoot(Node *n) {root = n;}
root = NULL;
//helper method to convert xml node to a node
Node *buildNode(xml_node<> *n)
Node *node;
xml_node<> *name = n->first_node("name");
//check for Null name and set name of the node
if(name !=0)
node = new Node(name->value());
node = new Node("NULL");
return node;
void breadthFirst(xml_node<> *xml)
Tree *tree = new Tree();
//Initialize queue
queue<xml_node<>* > q;
//push the root node onto the queue
//visit the xml node and create a node
Node *treeNode = buildNode(q.front());
//special case for root
tree->root = treeNode;
//remove from queue
//loop through the children of the node and add to the queue
for(xml_node<> * kids = q.front()->first_node("species"); kids; kids = kids->next_sibling())
//Continue the above while there is still something in the queue
int main()
xml_document<> doc;
ifstream theFile ("File.xml");
vector<char> buffer((istreambuf_iterator<char>(theFile)), istreambuf_iterator<char>());
xml_node<> * root = doc.first_node("MyJournal");
return 0;
For the purposes of just figuring out how to build the tree, I'm using a simplified version of the phylogenetic xml file with a format like this: