Hello, I am making a simple text based game, but I am getting stuck on some RNG things. I appreciate any help, I searched the forums, however i cannot find out what I am doing wrong... My code:
while(Rat.Hp >= 1)
cout << "Attack (1): Attempt to grab its tail and slam the rat against the floor\n"
<< "Attack (2): Use your letter opener to slice the rat.\n\n";
cin >> P.Choice;
//choice of attack and hit chance/dmg done
if(P.Choice == 1)
chance = rand() % 1; //chance to hit is 50%
if(chance == 1)
P.A1 = 0; //Miss
elseif(chance == 0)
P.A1 = 4;
elseif(P.Choice == 2)
chance = rand() % 9; //chance to hit is 90%
if(chance != 9)
P.A1 = 1;
elseif(chance = 9)
P.A1 = 0; //Miss
Rat.Hp - P.A1;
cout << "You hit the rat for "
<< P.A1
<< " damage!\n\n";
I also included srand(time(0)); and other declerations needed.
the rand function doesnt seem to be working, everytime i use it, P.A1 = 1 or P.A1 = 4 based on the users choice.
P.A1 never equals 0.
If user choice is equal to 1, than your chance is always 0 (x % 1 is always 0), so P.A1 = 4.
If user choice equals 2, than chance is number in interval from [0..8], always different from 9 -> P.A1 = 1.
while(Rat.Hp >= 1)
cout << "Attack (1): Attempt to grab its tail and slam the rat against the floor\n"
<< "Attack (2): Use your letter opener to slice the rat.\n\n";
cin >> P.Choice;
//choice of attack and hit chance/dmg done
if(P.Choice == 1)
chance = rand() % 2; //chance to hit is 50%
if(chance == 1)
P.A1 = 0; //Miss
P.A1 = 4;
elseif(P.Choice == 2)
chance = rand() % 10; //chance to hit is 90%
if(chance != 9)
P.A1 = 1;
P.A1 = 0; //Miss
Rat.Hp - P.A1;
cout << "You hit the rat for "
<< P.A1
<< " damage!\n\n";