Hi, i did this program and now i want it to output the biggest value, someone can help me?
And please explain what you did, i want to know how to do.
Thanks in advance,
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
int main ()
int x,n,pancakes[10];
for (n=0;n<10;n++)
cout << "Enter the amount of pancakes that person " << n << " ate: ";
cin >> pancakes[n];
cout << "Who do you want to know how much pancakes ate?\nPerson: ";
cin >> x
cout << "Person " << x << " ate " << pancakes[x];
cout << "The person who ate most pancakes is ";
return 0;
int largest = 0;//declare a variable to hold the largest number and set it to 0
for (int i = 0; i<10;i++)
if (pancakes[i] > largest)//if the first number in the array is larger than 'largest' make it the largest number
largest = pancakes[i]; //so every time a largest number is found in the array that number is sent to the 'largest' variable
that way the 'largest' variable will contain the largest number in the array once the for loop is done