Need Something To Move Onto.

I learned the syntax of c++ pretty well, to the point its starting to get boring because most things I learn, I already know.

So I need something to move onto, i've thought about Graphical Games, not too sure if I could handle that, maybe networking. Not too sure how hard that is. I don't know. Basically I want to do something other than command line prompt.

Another option I forgot and which I really like is making a program using system32.h... **Can using this and messing up a code possibly do harm to my system? I read somewhere that in C++ we shouldn't use it... Don't know why other than that.

Also for system32.h does it actually run along side c++? Do people actually combine these two. Can I use a c++ variable inside a system.32 code?

Any links to tutorials are appreciate or I can find them myself. Thanks for the help!
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