Mar 9, 2013 at 11:03am UTC
Hi guys, wrote a program for a basic console tic tac toe/ naughts and crosses game.
I thought it was ok but as soon as you input a move it prints the board out repeatedly.
if anybody can help me that would be really appreciated.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
char square1 = '1' ; // creating grid
char square2 = '2' ;
char square3 = '3' ;
char square4 = '4' ;
char square5 = '5' ;
char square6 = '6' ;
char square7 = '7' ;
char square8 = '8' ;
char square9 = '9' ; // finished grid
int playerturn = 1;
char playermark = 'X' ;
int playermove;
bool gameover = false ;
int gamewinner = 0;
// all variables needed are made
while (gameover == false ){
if (square1 == 'X' && square2 == 'X' && square3 == 'X' ){ // checking for a victory of player X
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 1;
return 0;
}else if (square1 == 'X' && square4 == 'X' && square7 == 'X' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 1;
return 0;
}else if (square1 == 'X' && square5 == 'X' && square9 == 'X' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 1;
return 0;
}else if (square2 == 'X' && square5 == 'X' && square8 == 'X' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 1;
return 0;
}else if (square4 == 'X' && square5 == 'X' && square6 == 'X' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 1;
return 0;
}else if (square7 == 'X' && square8 == 'X' && square9 == 'X' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 1;
return 0;
}else if (square3 == 'X' && square5 == 'X' && square7 == 'X' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 1;
return 0;
}else if (square3 == 'X' && square6 == 'X' && square9 == 'X' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 1;
return 0;
} // done
if (square1 == 'O' && square2 == 'O' && square3 == 'O' ){ // checking for victory of player O
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 2;
return 0;
}else if (square1 == 'O' && square4 == 'O' && square7 == 'O' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 2;
}else if (square1 == 'O' && square5 == 'O' && square9 == 'O' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 2;
}else if (square2 == 'O' && square5 == 'O' && square8 == 'O' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 2;
}else if (square4 == 'O' && square5 == 'O' && square6 == 'O' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 2;
}else if (square7 == 'O' && square8 == 'O' && square9 == 'O' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 2;
}else if (square3 == 'O' && square5 == 'O' && square7 == 'O' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 2;
}else if (square3 == 'O' && square6 == 'O' && square9 == 'O' ){
bool gameover = true ;
int gamewinner = 2;
} // done
cout << square1 << " | " << square2 << " | " << square3 << " | " << endl << endl; // drawing grid
cout << square4 << " | " << square5 << " | " << square6 << " | " << endl << endl;
cout << square7 << " | " << square8 << " | " << square9 << " | " << endl << endl; // drawn
if (gameover == false && playerturn == 1){
playermark = 'X' ;
cout << "Player 1 enter your move: " << endl;
cin >> playermove;
if (playermove == 1 && square1 == 1){
square1 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 2 && square2 == 2){
square2 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 3 && square3 == 3){
square3 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 4 && square4 == 4){
square4 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 5 && square5 == 5){
square5 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 6 && square6 == 6){
square6 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 7 && square7 == 7){
square7 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 8 && square8 == 8){
square8 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 9 && square9 == 9){
square9 = playermark;
}else {
cout << "Invalid move." << endl;
playerturn = 2;
else if (gameover = false && playerturn == 2){
playermark = 'O' ;
cout << "Player 2 enter your move: " << endl;
cin >> playermove;
if (playermove == 1 && square1 == 1){
square1 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 2 && square2 == 2){
square2 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 3 && square3 == 3){
square3 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 4 && square4 == 4){
square4 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 5 && square5 == 5){
square5 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 6 && square6 == 6){
square6 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 7 && square7 == 7){
square7 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 8 && square8 == 8){
square8 = playermark;
}else if (playermove == 9 && square9 == 9){
square9 = playermark;
}else {
cout << "Invalid move." << endl;
playerturn = 1;
cout << "Congratulations! Player " << gamewinner << " has won!" << endl;
cout << "Press any key to exit the game . . ." << endl;
char end;
cin >> end;
of course there could be loads of problems with it, i just cant get past the first step...
Last edited on Mar 9, 2013 at 11:11am UTC
Mar 9, 2013 at 3:11pm UTC
there are two problems i notice with your code.
problem #1.
you have declareations like this
char square1 = '1' ;
notice the single quotes arround '1'
and then you have this
(playermove == 1 && square1 == 1){
notice no single quotes around '1' so you will get an invalid move output to the screen.
problem #2
on line 120 you have the statement
else if (gameover = false && playerturn == 2){
look closely at the = in gameover = false you are assigning false to gameover not checking to se if gameover == false it should look like this
else if (gameover == false && playerturn == 2){
Mar 9, 2013 at 6:04pm UTC
ugh thanks. they're just stupid errors on my part, i'll fix them now
Mar 9, 2013 at 6:32pm UTC
Consider having a 2d array, instead of 9 separate variables for your board.
Then you can write nested for loops to do things to the board.
There are lots of Tic tac toe games on this forum - check some of them out.
Hope all goes well :)
Mar 9, 2013 at 6:36pm UTC
That's exactly my plan, I'm extremely talented at giving up, so I figured if I wrote a tic tac toe game as a complete beginner. Then write one with arrays, then using functions, objects and classes to check for victories etc until eventually I make a 3D game. This is how I'll check my progress :)