linked list simple
Hello everyone I am trying to print the linked list but I keep getting error can someone just point out the mistake? I just cannot see it.
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Personnode
int data()
return data_field;
Personnode* link()
return link_field;
int data_field;
Personnode* link_field;
int main ()
int SSNumber;
Personnode* ptr;
Personnode* head = NULL;
cout << "Id " << endl;
cin >> SSNumber;
ptr = new Personnode;
ptr -> data_field = SSNumber;
ptr -> link_field = head;
cout << "id" << endl;
cin >> SSNumber;
ptr = head;
cout << "print " << endl;
while (ptr != NULL)
cout << ptr -> data();
ptr = ptr->link();
cout << endl;
return 0;
found out just had to add head = ptr;
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