I'm trying to find out how double pointers work. I have a strucure of fruits and a function which should change its parameters. Fruits are in a small array. I want to use double pointer as a parameter of function changeFruit to change fruit values. It gives me a mistake of invalid argument for the function...
Your function expects a pointer to a pointer to Fruit as the first argument, but you're trying to pass a pointer to an array of two Fruits. These aren't the same things, and aren't even convertible to each other, so you have a compile-time error.
Change your function declaration to:
void changeFruit(Fruit (*arry)[2], int index, int color, int weight, int age) {
Can I change the function or call function to work with these parameters? What I'm trying to do is that the function should take an array of pointers to Fruits and initializes the array at the given index to be a new Fruit with the given color, weight, and age values.
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void changeFruit(Fruit **arry, int index, int color, int weight, int age) {
This isn't really a realistic use of double pointers - you could perform the same function with just a straight pointer. BUT, seeing as you're trying out double pointers, you could call your function like this ...
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Fruit arr[2];
Fruit* arrPtr = arr; // shorthand for &(arr[0]);
changeFruit(&arrPtr, ...);
Thank you! Just one more question, is there any other way, how can I rewrite the function(maybe call as well) by it self with the same declaration just to take a random array of pointers to Fruits and initializes the array at the given index to be a new Fruit with the given values?
Oops, sorry - I just realised that my quick answer will only work for index == 0. Any other value will fail with memory errors as you'll be accessing unallocated memory.
You really need an array of Fruit* to pass to your changeFruit function.
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Fruit arr[2];
Fruit arr2[2];
Fruit* arrPtrs[2] = { arr, arr2 }; // An array of Fruit*
changeFruit(arrPtrs); // Shorthand for &(arrPtrs[0]), which is a Fruit**
If you want the function to update the contents of the array, with a whole new Fruit instance ...
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void changeFruit(Fruit** arry, int index, int color)
arry[index] = new Fruit();
arry[index]->color = color;
I just want to update value of struct Fruit so I do not create any new instance of Fruit.
Just one more and hopefully last question. How can I change value of arr[1].red
I've triead it a few times and I'm able to approach only arr[0].red
and arr2[0].red