template dereference of an iterator
How can I dereference a template iterator to its value type?
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template<typename It, typename CIt = const It>
struct iterator_reference_subcontainer
typedef declspec(typename It::operator*()) value_type; // <----HERE!!!
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef It iterator;
typedef CIt const_iterator;
//! Get a reference \p idx -th element.
value_type &operator[](size_type idx) { return f[idx]; }
//! Get \p idx -th element.
value_type operator[](size_type idx) const { return f[idx]; }
iterator f, l; // !< Iterators to first and last container elements.
typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type value_type;
I hope by "declspec" you mean "decltype", in which case it might have worked - but I suggest Cubbi's solution as it is correct.
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