Thank you for reading my post, I am new to this website as well as the C++ programming language and am seeking any help that can be provided regarding my issue and all responses will be truly appreciated.
*My computers OS is windows 7 64 bit.*
--I have tried multiple IDEs and compilers for writing and running C++ programs including Visual Studio 2010 express, Bloodshed Dev-C++, Orwell Dev-C++, Codelite, and Borland. I always receive errors when trying to compile and execute the programs I write, including things like "'System' not declared" and other random things. There are absolutely no syntax errors in my code so I don't understand why the programs I write (which are extremely basic for e.g. "Hello World") won't work.
Visual Studio 2010 express should have set it all up for you. Pressing 'CTRL + F5' should build and run it.
The only system variable I can think of, in Visual Studio, would be:
On the left pane, right-click the;
solution name > properties > Linker > System;
I run the "Console (/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE)