Hi everyone, I'm trying to compile this simple RPG game on Dev C++ and get an error at the commented places below. The confusing thing is I've gotten the string array code from a book, and it's worked before! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
//enemy stuff:
class enemy {
string eName;
int eHP,eMAXHP,eDEF,eATK,eLUCK,eXP,eShill; } stats
//player stuff:
class weapon {
string wName;
int wATK; }
class armor {
string aName;
int aDEF; }
string jobs[]=("Crusader", "Hunter", "Astrologer", "Reaper"); //error here
string pNAME,pCLASS,pWEAPON; //error here