I am horrible at C++ (only in my second week of IT 218) and have to write a simple temperature conversion console program. I am trying to convert Celsius to both Fahrenheit and Kelvin but I keep popping up an INT error and I cannot seem to figure it out. Would it be ok to post it here and maybe have someone take a look at what I have and maybe point out my goof? Thanks in advance, I will wait to post until someone gives me the go ahead.
I can build the solution without any errors so I am puzzled. I'm just gonna post it and hope someone gives it a glance.
// Temperature conversion in cpp.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
int temp; // values to determine temperature
int tf; // temperature in degree fahrenheit
int tk; // temperature in degree kelvin
int tc; // temperature in degree celsius
int value;
cout << "What do you want to convert? please select from below!" << endl;
// Prompt User
cout << " 1.Convert from celsius to fahrenheit. " << endl;
cout << " 2.Convert from celsius to kelvin. " << endl;
cin >> value; // user selects a value by either pressing 1 or 2.
// the input of a correct variable is determined.
if ( value==1 )
cout << " Please insert a number to change from celsius to fahrenheit "
<< endl;
cin >> temp; // prompts Value for user to enter
tf = (9/5)*tc+32;
cout << " Your value is,"<< tf << " fahrenheit "
<< endl; // result to be displayed
else if (value==2)
cout << " Please insert a number to change from celsius to kelvin "
<< endl;
cin >> temp; // prompts Value for user to enter
tk = tc+273.15;
cout <<" Your value is,"<< tk <<" kelvin "
<< endl; // result to be displayed
else {
cout << " Please enter either 1 or 2 only "; //shows when any other value than 1 or 2 is pressed.
return 0; // end of program