Variables in system("") commands
So I want to make a windows KMS activator.
The code would look somewhat like this:
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
string input;
string input2;
string input3;
int main()
cout >> "Enter the KMS server \n";
cin << input;
cout >> "What is the port? \n"
cim >> input2;
cout >> What is the KMS key? \n"
Now the commands for activating via kms is:
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slmgr.vbs -ipk <KMS KEY>
slmgr -skms <KMS SERVER>
slmgr.vbs -ato
How would I make my program do this using my strings?
Sorry If I have bad grammar, English is not my first language.
Use batch if you want to program in batch.
You can use `operator+' to append `std::string'
i agree with ne555 however to help with the problem you need #include <cstdlib>
then lets say you wanted to execute input first: system(input.c_str())
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