I'm building a converter (fahrenheit -> celsius or Celsius -> fahrenhhiet) that will make the user type 3 integer (starting temperature, an ending temperature, and an increment)
I have this problem: the variable ch is being used without being initialized.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
void displayMenu(); //prototype
char getMenuSelection(); //prototype
void displayTable(int start, int end, int increment, char ch); //prototype
void getStartEndAndIncrement(int &start, int &end, int &increment);// prototype
double CtoF(double C); // convert to Celsius to fahrenheit.
double FtoC(double F); // convert to fahrenheit to Celsius.
int main()
char selection;
int startTemp = 0, endTemp = 0, incrementTemp = 0;
int start = 0, end = 0, increment = 0;
char ch;
selection = getMenuSelection();
while(selection!= 'Q')