sqrt() Beginner in need of help plz

Hey guys! I'm trying to make a basic program that will find square roots via a "check every number" method. The code works perfectly and will return correct answers when the answers are whole numbers as well as the entered number, but when I change the code to work with "0.01", or any other decimal, instead of "1" it always returns a rounded down version of the answer, i.e. when I input "9" it returns "2" and when I enter "321" I get "17 while the correct answer would be "17.9". It still kind of works, but I would prefer precision. Here's the code. Any help would be appreciated.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int sqrt(int x){
float n=0.01; //These are the numbers I switch between 1 and 0.01
float k;
while (true) {
k = n*n;
if(k == x){
cout<< "if \n";
return n;
else if (k<x){
cout<< "else if 1 \n";
n = n + 0.01; //These are the numbers I switch between 1 and 0.01
else if (k>x){
cout<< "else if 2 \n";
n = n - 0.01; //These are the numbers I switch between 1 and 0.01
return n;
cout<< "else \n";
int main()
float x;
cin>> x;
Probably because the return type of the sqrt-function is int, is my initial guess.
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*Blush* O.O oh... umm... *nervous chuckle*
That solved my problem :P
Like I said, I'm a beginner. Thanks
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