Example Code Help
Take this code here:
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// Overriding Boss Program.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Enemy
Enemy(int damage = 10): m_Damage(damage)
void Taunt() const
{ cout << "The enemy says he will fight you.\n"; }
void Attack() const
{ cout << "Attack! Inflicts " << m_Damage << " damage points."; }
int m_Damage;
class Boss : public Enemy
Boss(int damage = 30): Enemy(damage) // call base constructor with argument
void Taunt() const
{ cout << "The boss says he will end your pitiful existence.\n"; }
void Attack() const
cout << " And laughs heartily at you.\n";
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
cout << "Creating an enemy.\n";
Enemy enemy1;
cout << "\n\nCreating a boss.\n";
Boss boss1;
return 0;
How do I implement these following functions:
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Boss& operator=(const Boss& b)
Boss (const Boss& b): Enemy(b)
Into the big code above?
You don't need to implement assignment in this case. The defaults (copy constructor and assignment operator) will do the right thing.
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