how to read the text file exactly line by line?
i've been searching online for a long time and can not find the answer i am looking for. Here is the code I have currently:
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cout << "Which profile will you view\nView Profile: ";
string filename;
getline(cin, filename);
string _c_dir = "c:\\profiledata\\";
ifstream readfile; + filename);
string output;
if (readfile.is_open()) {
while (!readfile.eof()) {
readfile >> output;
cout << output << " "
cout<<"Press Enter To Continue\n";
I'm trying to get it to read the text file line by line! Instead it looks something like this:
First Name: Bob Last Name: Builder Age: # Information:infohere |
I want it to look like this:
First Name: Bob
Last Name: Builder
Age: #
Information: Info Here
Is there anyway to make it look like this at all? I'd really appreciate it if this problem I have can be solved.
Replace this:
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while (!readfile.eof()) {
readfile >> output;
cout << output << " "
with this:
1 2 3
while (getline(readfile, output)) {
cout << output << endl;
Thanks! It worked.
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