I need help on my homework for Computer Science 1! We use Eclipse
Your fruit stand has been amazingly successful! With the increased customer base, you have decided to branch out and sell as many different varieties of apples, oranges, and bananas as you can. Follow each of the following parts in turn...
Part 1
* You should have an Apple class; You will now extend this with 2 more classes: one for
oranges, and one for bananas. Each class will have the following...
* Data members for sweetness and size
* Both a default and nondefault constructor
* 2 extra methods (of your design have fun with it, but be appropriate)
Part 2
* To keep track of your new inventory, add 3 arrays to your FruitStand class...
i) apple_array, ii) orange_array, iii) banana_array
* These arrays should store Apples, Oranges, and Bananas, respectively * Be sure to initialize the arrays in the FruitStand constructor.
Part 3
* Add a new method to the FruitStand class to display your entire stock of fruit.
* public void show_stock()
* The method should iterate through each array of fruit, displaying the contents of all 3
* Be sure to call this new method in your Tester class