need help with my c++ hw, if else statements

so basically my if and else statement isn't working for me. when i try to put in "us" when it ask for my unit system, it'll skip to "press any key to continue" and i pretty much don't know what im messing up on.

// This program is to approximate a vehicle's speed before it gets into an accident.

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
// ***************************** variables

	char answer;
	double vf;
	double c;
	double ds;
	double f;
	double vi;
	double vi2;
	double v;
#define c1 12.96
#define g1 9.81
#define c2 .4649
#define g2 32.2
// ******************** commands
	cout << "is the unit system in metric or U.S. customary units? \ntype in M for metric or US for U.S. customary units: ";
	cin >> answer;

	if (answer == 'm' || answer == 'M')
	cout << "Type in the estimated speed at impact:";
	cin>> vf;
	cout << "Type in the skid mark distance:";
	cin>> ds;
	cout << "Type in the road's coefficient of friction:";
	cin>> f;

// ******************* formulas

	v = (vf*vf);
	vi = sqrt(v+2*c1*ds*g1*f);
	vi2 = sqrt(v+2*c2*ds*g2*f);

	cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
	cout << "The traveling speed of the car is:  "<< vi << " km/hr" << endl;

// ********************** us metric system output
else if(answer == 'us' || answer =='US')
	cout << "Type in the estimated speed at impact:";
	cin>> vf;
	cout << "Type in the skid mark distance:";
	cin>> ds;
	cout << "Type in the road's coefficient of friction:";
	cin>> f;

	cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;
	cout << "The traveling speeed of the car is: "<< vi2 << " mi/hr" << endl;
	return 0;


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Without looking too closely (there may be more problems), answer is a char, which can hold one character. Change it to a std::string and change all your string constants to use "double quotes", not 'single' (single are for single-character constants).

actually i lied, i got it now. THANK YOU SO MUCH JIM!
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Can you repost your code with your changes in, and include the exact error message you're getting?

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