hey guys so here i have a problem where is asking me that i need a primary expression before else mi don't get why its not working any help would be nice thanks in advance
#include<iostream> //library for input or/and output
#include<iomanip>//does equations
#include<cmath>//library for math formulas
using namespace std;
int main ()// main equation of the program
char YN = 'Y' ;
// while loop execution
while( YN== 'Y')
{ //start of a section for the while loop
float x, y , Diameter_of_circle, points_loc;
float degrees, x2, y2, radius, full_circle, first_angle, last_angle;
int points;
cout<<setprecision(2); //specifies the number of digits after decimal point
cout<< "Enter the number of points: ";
cin>> points;
cout<< "Enter the Diameter of the circle: ";
cin >> Diameter_of_circle;
cout<< "Location of circle center on x: " ;
cin>> x;
cout<< "Location of circle center on Y: " ;
cin>> y;
{ //Start section to do a while loop
// Local variable declaration:
int YN;
cout<< "Is this a full bolt circle? YES(Y) or NO(N) " ;
cin >> YN;
// while loop execution
if ( YN = 2);
cout<< "Location of the first Angle: ";
cin>> first_angle;
cout<< endl;
//math equations for giving the points and angle
degrees= 6.2831*(180/M_PI);
points_loc= (degrees / points);
radius= (Diameter_of_circle/2);
//output - for loop
for ( float i= first_angle; i<points+first_angle; i++)
//start of section for-loop
cout<< "At: "; cout<< setprecision(2)<< points_loc*i; cout<< " degrees ";
cout<< " X: "; cout<< (x +( radius*cos(points_loc*i)));
cout<< " Y: "; cout<< (y + (radius*sin(points_loc*i)));
cout<< endl;//end of section for-loop
else(YN > 2 )
cout<< "Location of the first Angle: ";
cin>> first_angle;
cout<< "Location of the Last Angle: ";
cin>> last_angle;
cout<< endl;
//math equations for giving the points and angle
degrees= 6.2831*(180/M_PI);
points_loc= (degrees / points);
radius= (Diameter_of_circle/2);
//output - for loop
for ( float i= first_angle; i<points+first_angle<180; i++)
//start of section for-loop
cout<< "At: "; cout<< setprecision(2)<< points_loc*i; cout<< " degrees ";
cout<< " X: "; cout<< (x +( radius*cos(points_loc*i)));
cout<< " Y: "; cout<< (y + (radius*sin(points_loc*i)));
cout<< endl;}//end of section for-loop
cout << "would you like to do it again? YES(Y) or NO(N)"<< endl;
cin>> YN;
//end loop for asking
//end of section for while loop
return 0 ;