i am writing a program for my advanced c++ class. i am having trouble due to taking regular c++ two years ago because of transferring and changing majors to computer science.
my teacher requires our projects to be done with functions and no computing done in the main function but we use that to call all the other functions. i created one function that asks a user what row and seat they want(its for a theater.) it accepts the input and then the function ends. how can i create another function and call the input values into this other function to search for "availability". have a function that stores the seating as a 2 dimensional array where # indicates an available seat. is this possible to do in two functions or should i combine the two functions below is the code i have so far.
//Author: Steven Cortright
//Course: CSC 136
//Date: Spring 2013
//Purpose: Develop a program that will allow a theater to sell tickets for performances