I'm using the NetBeans IDE.
So I run my code and I get:
Hello World
Please enter your name:
Just like I'm suppose to. And then I enter some strings and press enter but nothing happens.
At the bottom, it continues to say: Hello World (Build, run) (1 more...)
I think it is worth nothing that I cannot actually see what I type. I thought that was just how C++ works but now I'm doubting everything.
Curiously, when I just use the cin method or operator or whatever it is, I do get input, but once again I cannot actually see what I typed and it stops input in curious ways.
I.e., if I'm inputting into an int type like this:
int a;
cin >> a;
It only stops inputting when I enter a letter on my keyboard.
Okay wait, I take it back.
I'm not sure why but I got rid of all my code and the build still fails.
Like, it is just the main method with return...
Sorry, it may have been that. I just redownloaded MinGW.
Anyway, so same problem. cout.flush() did nothing.
I mean, how could it? The problem is that I cannot get out of the line that reads input.
So if it works for you, that means something must be wrong with my compiler. I swear I've configured my IDE it right. That is strange though. Do you see what you type?
"Hello World - Debug": The compiler's setup (GNU GCC Compiler) is invalid, so Code::Blocks cannot find/run the compiler.
Probably the toolchain path within the compiler options is not setup correctly?!
Goto "Settings->Compiler and debugger...->Global compiler settings->GNU GCC Compiler->Toolchain executables" and fix the compiler's setup.
Nothing to be done (all items are up-to-date).
I swear it said that it came with ITS OWN GNU GCC Compiler...
Seemed to be a common problem. I just disabled it.
NetBeans is stupid that means. Thanks a lot for your help. I'll be using code blocks from now on!
Just, if you get to see this message, is the MinGW that came with code blocks up to date?