Hey guys. I'm having some trouble with input validation for one of my assignments in my Advanced C++ class. I'm using g++ on my linux box. Weird thing is, when I use the following block to check an integer value:
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int places = 7; //arbitrary number outside valid range
std::cout << "Please enter a whole number between -4 and 4 inclusively: " << std::flush;
std::cin >> places;
//if the user entered data that cannot be assigned to a int
std::cin.ignore((std::numeric_limits<int>::max)(), '\n');
std::cout << "Invalid Input" << std::endl;
//if I were to cout the value of 'places' here, before I test any other values, it would still be 7
//if input is a valid integer, but not within the range
else if(places < -4 || places > 4)
std::cout << "You entered " << places << ", which is not between -4 and 4" << std::endl;
}while(places < -4 || places > 4);
std::cout << "You entered " << places << std::endl;
It works like a BOSS. It catches every possible invalid input possibility, even when I do nothing but type garbage on the terminal for ten minutes. HOWEVER, the same cannot be said for when I do the same for a double type variable:
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double base_number = 7; //once again just an arbitrary number
do //prompting user for the base number
std::cout << "Please enter a non-negative decimal number. Enter 0 to exit: " << std::flush;
std::cin >> base_number;
//if the user entered data that cannot be assigned to a double
std::cin.ignore((std::numeric_limits<double>::max)(), '\n');
std::cout << "Invalid Input" << std::endl;
//doing a cout here, value of base_number will ALWAYS be 0!
else if(base_number < 0) //if input is a valid double, but negative
std::cout << "You entered " << base_number << ", which is a negative number" << std::endl;
}while(base_number < 0);
std::cout << "You entered " << base_number << std::endl;
For one reason or another, it either A) sets the value of the double to 0, which is a problem because it will end the program (assignment submission requirement, no getting around it) or B) it will go through an infinite loop.
I've tried setting the value of base_number to something else immediately after the cin.ignore, it will go through a loop.
I've tried to make use of flags (i.e. declaring a bool bad_input outside the loop, setting it to false after the cin.ignore statement, and altering the loop condition appropriately) and it STILL goes through an infinite loop.
Seriously! Compile each of these blocks in g++ and you'll see what I mean. It's crazy. Anyway, I'm running out of ideas, time, and patience. Any help at this point would be massively appreciated. Thanks in advance!