taking 1 interger away and then checking if divisle by certain numbers

I am asked to do this
"Ask the user to enter an integer greater than 1000. Remove the final digit. If the resulting integer is evenly divisible by 3 or 5 or 9, divide it modulo by 7 and add the result into a variable named special, otherwise divide it modulo by 8 and add the result into a variable named normal."

my code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int number, newnumber;
double finalnumber,special, normal;
cout << "Please enter a number greater than 1000." << endl;
cin >> number;
newnumber = number / 10;
if (newnumber % 3 == 0 || newnumber % 5 == 0 || newnumber % 9 == 0)
{finalnumber = newnumber % 7;
special = finalnumber;
{finalnumber = newnumber % 8;
normal = finalnumber;


cout << finalnumber << endl;
return 0;

what am i doing wrong? im getting whole intergers for answers that make no sense.
If you want your program to return a decimal number (eg: 3.25145), you should look into using floating point variables. :)
it doesnt even return the right number though. if i put it 1100 it gives me 5.
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What would be the correct answer for 1100 then?
removing the final digit gives 110
110 is evenly divisible by 5, so you divide it by 7 and take the remainder, which is 5...

So it seems correct to me :P
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