The AM array has a code that represents each student
and Temp array has the average value of 6 lessons for each student
Swap function swaps 2 double variables
FindMO function finds the average value of each collumn of array B and uses a temporary array (temp) to save the average values of each collumn. Then it sorts in decreasing order the temp and AM arrays and prints them.
When i try to run the code it comes up with the following message: fault floating point invalid operation. and it prompts me to line 26.
I believe it is because your argument arrays are not entirely filled with proper floating point values.
Trying to compare, for example, 1.7 to NAN (Not A Number) will produce a fault. Make sure you completely initialize the arrays you pass as argument to FindMO() to a valid number, like 0.0 or -1.0 or etc.
If that isn't the problem, you'll have to post a little more code.
That must be it. The program is supposed to read the values from a .txt file which has no more than 150 (lines). but the sum of the values is unknown.
I wrote to a text just 6 lines to test my program but I save values to an array of 150 positions. the program puts "garbage" in the arrays after the 6th entry to the array. I'll check it and come back and post.