Assignment Soulition

I am BCS student and i have received a assignment. Can someone help me.

The objectives of this assignment are, giving the idea of practical implementation of basic object oriented concepts like:

o Polymorphism
o Virtual Functions
o Pure Virtual Functions
o Abstract classes
o Concrete classes
o Dynamic Binding

You are required to provide a practical implementation in C++ for the following class diagram. You have to provide the solution in the form of classes in C++.

Class Diagram for Assignment No. 4

Figure 1: Object Model of Property Portal (Partial)

Detail Description:
You are required to give C++ implementation of following classes:

1. User
2. Buyer
3. Tenant
4. Owner

Following is the description of all data member and member functions of respective classes:

 User
Implement User class as an abstract class having Pure virtual function “Search ()”. Along with this, implement all required data member and member functions (whether given in object model or not).

 Buyer
Implement buyer class as a concrete class. In which you have to provide implementation of an override function “search ()”. A buyer can search a plot or house on the basis of:
Society Name where plots or houses exist
Type of property (commercial or residential)
Area of plot/house

Note: For this part of assignment, you have to take Type of property, area and Society name as input from user.

In “Buy ()” method, check if search is successful then prompt user that you can buy this property.

 Owner
Implement owner class as a concrete class. Owner can advertise his/her property for to be rented and as well for selling purpose. Their property may include houses for residential purpose while plots for both residential as well as for commercial purpose.
Owner will make an advertisement on portal having following information:

Town/Society Name where plot or houses exist
Type of property (commercial or residential)
Area of plot/house

Note: For this part of assignment, you have to take Type of property, area and Society name as input from user.

In “RentOut()” method, Owner will take the required property and tag it as “rented property”.

In “Sell ()” method, Owner will take the required property and tag it as “Sold”.

 Tenant:
Implement tenant class as a concrete class. In which you have to provide implementation of an override function “search ()”. A tenant can search a plot or house on the basis of:
Society Name where plots or houses exist
Type of property (commercial or residential)
Area of plot/house

In “TakeOnRent()” method, Tenant will check if search is successful then user should be prompted with message that you can take this property on rent.
Important Points:

1. You also have to show the relationship (inheritance, association, aggregation, composition) between classes in proper C++ syntax with comments. No marks will be given for incorrect relationship.
2. For this part of assignment, you can take any required information from users as an input.
3. Dynamically allocate memory where required.
4. Implement all member functions of each class. Make sure you use most appropriate return types and signatures for the function.
5. Implement constructors of all classes (Overload constructors if required also can use copy constructor if required).
6. Implement destructors for all classes.
7. Overload and override member functions in classes (if required).

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What do you have now? What is the problems you had encountered?
Dear (MiiniPaa) i don't have nothing now, because i have didn't write any code about the program. i am beginner and it is very difficult for me.. can you help me out....
No one here is going to do your assignment for you. We'll be more than happy to help provide you help in troubleshooting code or even nudge you in the right direction, but if you do not understand your assignment at all, perhaps you need to go have a discussion with your instructor.

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