This program does not ask for user input after movie input. Also the calculations are not correct. Can anyone provide some helpful suggestions? Thanks.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
//Constants for adult and child ticket costs
constdouble cost_per_child_tix = 3;
constdouble cost_per_adult_tix = 6;
double adult, //Amount of adult tix sold
child, //Amount of child tix sold
movie, //Holds movie name
gross_adult_tix, // Holds gross amount of adult tickets
gross_child_tix, // Holds gross amount of child tickets
total_box_office_profit, //Holds total box office profit
net_box_office_profit, //Holds total earnings for theater
amount_paid_distributor; //Holds final amount paid to distributor
//Set the desired output formatting for numbers.
cout << setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint;
//Prompt the user for the movies name
cout <<"Please enter name of movie: \n";
cin >> movie;
//Get adult tickets sold
cout << "Enter number of adult tickets sold: \n";
cin >> adult;
//Get child tickets sold
cout << "Enter number of child tickets sold: \n";
cin >> child;
//Calculate gross amount for adult tickets sold
gross_adult_tix = adult * cost_per_adult_tix;
//Calculate gross amount of child tickets sold
gross_child_tix = child * cost_per_child_tix;
//Calculate gross box office profit
total_box_office_profit = gross_child_tix + gross_adult_tix;
//Calculate net box office profit (Theater earnings)
net_box_office_profit = total_box_office_profit * .20;
//calculate amount paid to distributor
amount_paid_distributor = total_box_office_profit - net_box_office_profit;
//Display movie name and header for daily earning report
cout << "Daily earnings report for movie:" << movie << endl;
//Display amount of adult tickets sold
cout << "Adult tickets sold:" << adult << endl;
//Display amount of child tickets sold
cout << "Child tickets sold:" << child << endl;
//Display gross amount for box office profit
cout << "Gross box office profit:" << total_box_office_profit << endl;
//Display net gross amount of profit
cout << "Gross net box office profit:" << net_box_office_profit << endl;
//Display amount paid to distributor
cout << "Amount paid to distributor:" << amount_paid_distributor << endl;
return 0;
output from above code:
Please enter name of movie:
Enter number of adult tickets sold:
Enter number of child tickets sold:
Daily earnings report for movie:0.00
Adult tickets sold:0.00
Child tickets sold:-0.00
Gross box office profit:-0.00
Gross net box office profit:-0.00
Amount paid to distributor:-0.00
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
// ....
//Prompt the user for the movies name
cout <<"Please enter name of movie:" << endl;
cin >> movie;
cin.ignore(256, '\n');
// ....
return 0;