Hand test[1];
Hand *hand2_objects = new Hand[numPlayers];
for ( int i = 0; i < 52; i++ )
test_card = deck_game.dealCard();
//If two players...
//hand2_objects[0] = ???;
//hand2_objects[1] = ????;
cout << test[0].toStringV() << endl;
Let's say that I have dynamically allocated two hand_objects, meaning that there are two players in the game. The loop creates creates 52 cards and puts it in an object in array test[0]. Because the number of players vary, how do I create a loop that will populate the number of the hand_objects array, where each position of the array represents a players cards?
For example, hand_objects[0] is Player 1's HAND, containing the first 26 cards, and hand_objects[1] is Player 2's HAND, containing the rest of the 26 cards of the deck.