Games in the console window.

Ok, so I haven't coded for a while. Just wanted to know if anyone could come up with some suggestions for games I could make within the console window.

I've already made a few and don't want to make them again. You can see some of the stuff I've made before here:

And no! This isn't a post to get people to view my stuff! lol. I want to try and pick up where I left off with my coding, but I need some practice.

Also, I'm about done with creating a console game of Space Invaders.

So please. Ideas?

Thanks for any suggestions! (:
you could make a textual based rpg. it might take a while but hey I did one before. also you can take color and flash them around (just or fun)

here is a batch version(so you know what I'm talking about)
@echo off

color 1a
color 2b
color 3c
color 4d
color 5e
color 6f
color a1
color b2
color c3
color d4
color e5
color f6
goto start

if you can convert this to c++ it's really cool
Thanks for the reply.

I have a half made textual RPG game, but I got board with coding it a long, long time ago. And look at my webpage, I already have a console colour selector! lol (:

Second from bottom.
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To be honest, if you have an interest in developing games I would suggest you pick up a game SDK or an open source engine and start playing with that. You won't have to resort to using the console and you'll be able to create something more involved.

I know from personal experience that getting the Ogre3D rendering engine ( and some of the plugins (SkyX, HydraX) you can load and control 3D models (with animation), have weather/water etc in less than a day.

You'll also learn more about how other people develop code and how to integrate your work with theirs *hugely important in a professional environment*

Well, Pac-man, Code Breaker, Minefield and Chess, come to mind. Or even a good game of Yatzee, would be fun. I may even try that one, myself.
Thanks for the reply, Zaita. I'll look it to that a bit later. I want to get my skills back up with C++ first, as I'm rusty as hell!

And Whitenite1, I actually hate all those games! ahaha. But thanks anyway for the reply! (:
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