I'm just learning about so called state pattern and i have to write code which allows me to enter time and determine is it night or morning or...
Let's say I put 6 and he answer it's morning.I need help with the code.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
enum STATE{midnight, morning, noon, invalid} state;
STATE determine(int *str);
void print_state(STATE state);
int main()
int *buffer[24] = {0};
cin.getline(buffer, 24);
STATE final_state = determine(buffer);
return 0;
STATE determine(int *str){
int next_state;
for(; *str && state != INVALID; str++){
next_state = *str;
switch (state){
case midnight:
for(midnight=0; midnight<=3; midnight++){
state = invalid;
else next_state}
case morning:
for(morning=7; morning<=10; morning++){
state = morning;
else state = invalid;}
case noon:
for(noon=11; noon<=12; noon++){
state = noon;
else state = invalid;}
enum STATE{midnight, morning, noon, invalid} state; // This makes 'midnight' a constant with a certain value
for(midnight=0; midnight<=3; midnight++){ // You cannot us the previously define constant as an index/variable
1 2 3
if(buffer==midnight) // what is buffer?
state = invalid; // why invalid?
else next_state // this does nothing
what is the idea regarding determine()? what is it supposed to do?