Help with greatest common factor program

I want a function to do something, but then I also want it to print what it was doing. I want it to find the greatest common factors of two numbers using

if (a % b ==0)

return b;


return gcf(b,a % b);

I want it to return the whole process if that makes sense.
That looks the correct body for an implementation of the Euclidean algorithm. What's the problem?
Sorry for not being clear I want it to output the whole thing so you can see the entire mathematical process if that makes sense.

gcf 560 % 340 = 220
gcf 340 % 220 = 120
gcf 220 % 120 = 100
gcf 120 % 100 = 20
gcf 100 % 20 = 0

I can't for the life of me figure out how to make it print that out.
int gcd(int a,int b){
    std::cout <<a<<" % "<<b<<" = "<<a%b<<std::endl;
    return (a%b==0) ? b : gcd(b,a%b);
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