So when do I start making programs that have Windows and buttons and grafics??
I´m programming in Code::Blocks and I´m learning all the logic, functions, math related type of thing, but... what do I need to make a button appear on a window?

Another compiler? Another IDE?

I don´t want to rush into it, I just don´t see the connection between all my "enter a number" programs and a simple Minesweeper...
Well, if you use MS Visual Studio, making apps for Windows is a metric butt-ton easier, since it'll automatically include code for a lot of the things you want to do. With various wizards, it can actually do the majority of the framework and layout for you, then you come along behind and add the functionality or adjust things some. You can still do it on your own, you just have to learn the Windows API.

If you want to learn more about Windows Programming a book I am currently using to learn C++ also teaches CLI along with generic C++. It's called Beginning Visual C++ 2010 by Ivar Horton. You can also use Microsoft's Foundation Classes which use C++ to program windows apps. Or you can do it straight with native C++, but that requires a lot more understanding of the OS/API. MFC and CLR/CLI (which uses a version of C++ called Managed C++) simply provide a coding "interface" and handle alot of stuff behind the scenes for you, kind of like the STL does for native C++.
Thanks Raezzor! I don´t fully understand, I´ve got a lot of reading to do... But basically, you´re saying there are IDEs (MS Visual Studio, MFC and CLR/CLI) that will make the task easier without knowing all that´s going on beneath the surface?
No, MFC and CLR/CLI aren't IDEs, they are code libraries that you can use like the STL, but which encapsulate (I guess that's the right word for it?) much of the Windows API so you don't actually have to do all the nuts and bolts programming. MFC is based on native C++ and CLI/CLR is based on Managed C++ which is Microsoft's version with some added functionality I believe. Honestly, I haven't delved into much of the Windows API yet, and haven't looked at CLI/Managed C++ at all.

MS Visual Studio is an IDE though, and it adds alot of wizards and shortcuts and other tools that make Windows API programming easier, in addition to having MFC and CLI/CLR libraries built into it.
With MS Visual Studio, i've had absolutely nothing but problems with windows forms. You write the backend of your program and then start using forms to realize that a lot of the data types you originally used are entirely incompatible with the ones Microsoft wants you to use. (Of course, it has been months since i tried to use windows forms, maybe it'd be easier if i gave it a go now.)

Check out the Qt framework. It's cross platform, and they do a really good job of allowing you to create GUIs. Qt has been really really good to me in my experience.
Thank you both for your visions!!
@Raezzor, thank you for the explanations, now I understand you.

@Thumper Ya, I haven't done more then a little bit of dabbling with MFC so far and Visual Studio trying to make an actual Windows program. It's like a whole different language, for sure. I've read that CLI is even worse. Makes me wonder what C# looks like.
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