C++ Final

Hey guys, I just recently joined, I have a C++ final due today at midnight and I could really use some help. It involves creating a payroll program using 2 double arrays, call functions, if statements, loops, switch statements and a bit more, it could be reallly easyfor some of you but it's pretty hard for me =\, I really don't want to fail this class. I could provide all data and project outline to any willing to help take on this task, just leave me a private message or reply if willing. Thnxs all !!!
About 99% of us are going to tell you that if you don't want to fail, you better get started on it. Most of us will also tell you we don't feel bad about the short deadline since you've more than likely put it off for far too long, even knowing that this was an important grade.

That being sad, once you've made an ample attempt, we'll be glad to help fix any errors that you have or guide you in the right direction. I'd start with an outline that'll help guide your through the entire process. Once you create that, I'd start with your main menu, a switch statement, and then implementing functions as you make them.

Good luck.
Yea i'd figure but it's not that I haven't started or that I'm entirely lost, I'm just having trouble getting it started with the arrays, I'm sure I can get the rest a long the way with the massive amounts of notes i've been accumulating the past few days attempting to write the script. My professor wants me to use two double arrays for two sets of data of ten employess and their payment type hourly, salary, commission. The pay type isn't the problem I can make that in a switch statement. My problem lies in how to create the arrays with 10 rows for each and 2 & 5 columns respectfully. If I could get a good example of the array set up for 10 individuals then the rest should come a lot easier since I do have the outline and a flowchart to help me with the processing. I normally am 100% with my school work, passing the rest of my classes with A's but i'm having trouble wrapping my head around this one. I'll attempt one more time and post it here and see what happens. However thnxs for the input :).
From what I understood, you're required to have two arrays. I'm assuming one is for their name and just the payment type? Regardless, the 2x5 thing doesn't correlate to the array itself, only the display of the array. Take this example code for instance:
char myEmployees[10][20]; // Holds 10 names, up to 20 characters each
int employeePayType[10]; // Holds 1 for hourly, 2 salary, 3 comission

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i ++) {
   std::cout << myEmployees[i] << "\t" << employeePayType[i];
   if (i % 2) // i was odd, time to start a new line
      std::cout << "\n";
   else // i was even, just indent
      std::cout << "\t";

That ends up giving an output similar to:
John    1       Matt    1
Steve   2       Josh    1
Mark    3       Ashley  3

Obviously you can tweak it all you want, some things will look better than others.
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