Could someone talk a beginner through installing boost thread and sockets on code blocks

Pages: 12
i need a really patient person whos better at explaining things than the website, I literally followed the instructions to the latter, nada.
both sockets and threads dont njust need headers i think they need .dlls too

create the exe and copy the dlls in the same folder
i need a really patient person whos better at explaining things than the website, I literally followed the instructions to the latter, nada.
So does that mean after your followed the instruction your computer pop and was not seen ever after? Then it's definitely stolen by an extraterrestrial.

Or (less likely) did you get any error messages? And you feel too ashamed to tell us what it is?
I was told to do something in command prompt, it told me exactly what to type but the command prompt kept shouting at me and telling me that i was using the wrong syntax :/

create exe? how what? eh? qui? is that what the command prompt thing was....wooo guess i really am beginner
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how can you have 644 posts and still have so little knowledge

what's the error you get?
im verbal, you guys pretty much taught me c++ too (you guys created me, i am a reflection of your joint efforts to teach) plus i ignored lots of things that i have to deal with now...error coming up :) (HAHA!)
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Well if i click boost jam it comes and goes so fast i just see command prompt flick
and you are sure the programm doesn't just execute all the comands and then closes the prompt?
closed account (3qX21hU5)
To be honest why are you trying to work with threading if you have yet to find out about how to build libraries? I don't mean to be rude but I think your getting a little ahead of yourself.

But what exactly are you having problems with? Can you give us the error messages, or what step you didn't understand?
wait i dont have no boost pro installer, there was some kind of issue as to why i coldnt
Seriously dont worry about being rude, like i said you guys gave me the direction in which to learn, i can only read tutorials i cant really know what to move onto afterwards.

well what should i move onto? i am playing with linked lists (fun2code helped me loads) then templated linked lists, i get that i still need practice there but for now i want tom move on a bit; seems the rest of the stuff is with libraries, im good with sdl no problems installing that.

problem is for ages and ages i practiced simply by opening empty file saving it as c++ and practicing my code without including headers and sources, i do now but its all over the place...

to be fair i dont even know where to start enough to tell you if i got errors, i just want more keywords that do stuff to play with :'(
closed account (3qX21hU5)
Ok here is something that can help you with compiling libraries. Go get the sfml graphics API and install it. You can find the download at and here is their tutorial for installing

This should give you a little idea how to link .dll files and set up a libray. Personally I had a pain in the ass time my first time trying to install SFML so it could be a nice little challenge and help you learn about the linker more.
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Ooh thread i want thread.
k this is where i go wrong it says to build do said thing in command prompt so i do and command prompt rejects the commands

im proly gonna really struggle to learn them libraries anyway, so with boost sockets i can just include the boost asio header like any other header in a project???

where did i go wrong, how did you guys learn this from beginner??
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you probably need to set additional dependencies in the project configuration
k thanks zereo =)
closed account (3qX21hU5)
Ok here is some help with the command prompt

1)Type this into the command prompt make sure you enter the path where you unzipped or put Boost Jam in the <path> spot.

set PATH=<path>\boost-jam-3.1.18-1-ntx86;%PATH%

2) Change to the Boost sources directory (Again where <path> is put the path where you unpacked your boost sources to)

cd /D <path>\boost_1_47_0

3) Next type this bjam --toolset=gcc "--prefix=<installpath>" install

Note: That where <installpath> is you put the path where you want it installed to. For codeblocks I would recommend the codeblocks root folder.

If you have trouble with any of these steps let me know and I can go into more detail


This is pretty old. Look at this:

b2 toolset=gcc --build-type=complete stage

That above should build with gcc
if you have VC++:

k this is further than i got but say iwas installing in c:/ (just to be simple) i get this error

c:\boost\boost_1_47_0\boost_1_47_0>bjam --toolset=gcc "--prefix=c:/" install
warning: mismatched versions of Boost.Build engine and core
warning: Boost.Build engine (bjam) is 03.1.18
warning: Boost.Build core (at c:/boost/boost_1_47_0/boost_1_47_0/tools/build/v2)
is 2011.04-svn
c:/boost/boost_1_47_0/boost_1_47_0/tools/build/v2/tools\gcc.jam:129: in gcc.init
from module gcc
error: toolset gcc initialization:
error: no command provided, default command 'g++' not found
error: initialized from
c:/boost/boost_1_47_0/boost_1_47_0/tools/build/v2/build\toolset.jam:38: in tools
et.using from module toolset
c:/boost/boost_1_47_0/boost_1_47_0/tools/build/v2\build-system.jam:481: in proce
ss-explicit-toolset-requests from module build-system
c:/boost/boost_1_47_0/boost_1_47_0/tools/build/v2\build-system.jam:562: in load
from module build-system
c:\boost\boost_1_47_0\boost_1_47_0\tools\build\v2/kernel\modules.jam:283: in imp
ort from module modules
c:\boost\boost_1_47_0\boost_1_47_0\tools\build\v2\kernel\bootstrap.jam:142: in b
oost-build from module
c:\boost\boost_1_47_0\boost_1_47_0\boost-build.jam:17: in module scope from modu

so i guess something is past its sell by?
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check if the environment variables are set to the right path
what is enviroment variables?
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