Programming Isola(Game) -PLease help with errors!!

Heres what I have so far:

bool valid_location(string location)
// checks to make sure the string location defines a valid spot on the board.
// input : string location
// output : true -> if location has length 2, the appropriate character specifices the row coordinate,
// the other specifies the column coordinate,
// and all coordinates are within appropriate limits.
// false -> otherwise.
{if (location.size() == 2 and location[ROW_INDEX] >= MIN_ROW and location[ROW_INDEX] <= MAX_ROW and location[COLUMN_INDEX] >= MIN_COLUMN and location[COLUMN_INDEX] <= MAX_COLUMN)
return true;
return false;

/*bool valid_end_move(string start_place, string end_place)
// Determines if the move that the player wants to make is valid.
// Assumptions: start_place is a valid location
// input : string start_place -> the piece the player chose to move
// string end_place -> the position the player desires to move
// output : true -> if both locations are valid, the end location is open, and it only one spot away.
// false -> otherwise.

if (!valid_location(end_place))
return false;

int end_row = static_cast<int>(end_place[ROW_INDEX] - MIN_ROW);
int end_col = static_cast<int>(end_place[COLUMN_INDEX] - MIN_COLUMN);

if (board[end_row][end_col] != NO_ONE)
return false;

int start_row = static_cast<int>(start_place[ROW_INDEX] - MIN_ROW);
int start_col = static_cast<int>(start_place[COLUMN_INDEX] - MIN_COLUMN);

if ((abs(start_row - end_row) <= 1) and (abs(start_col - end_col) <= 1))
return true;
return false;

//bool valid_end_move(string remove_place, string end_place)
// Determines if the move that the player wants to make is valid.
// Assumptions: start_place, remove_move are valid locations
// input : string start_place -> the piece the player chose to move
// string end_place -> the position the player desires to move
// output : true -> if both locations are valid, the end location is open, and it only one spot away.
// false -> otherwise.

if (!valid_location(end_place,remove_place))
return false;

int end_row = static_cast<int>(end_place[ROW_INDEX] - MIN_ROW);
int end_col = static_cast<int>(end_place[COLUMN_INDEX] - MIN_COLUMN);

if (board[end_row][end_col] != NO_ONE)
return false;

return false;


/*string human_move(player human) // wHERE TO MOVE PIECE, WHICH SQUARE TO REMOVE (2 LOOPS)
bool good_move;
string remove_place, end_place;
good_move = true;
start_place = ask_string("Which Piece do you want to move?");
if (valid_start_move(start_place, human))
end_place = ask_string("Where do you want to move your piece?");
if (valid_end_move(start_place, end_place))
cout << "If you are sure you want to do that...." << endl;
cout << "You cannot move your piece to that location silly human!" << endl;
good_move = false;
cout << "You do not have a piece in that location foolish human!" << endl;
good_move = false;


cout << start_place+end_place << endl;

return start_place+end_place;
// return;
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