I'm new to programming and joined a class at a local college, I'm only looking to see how to work this out. I am completly new to programming, and the teacher threw this assignment at us pretty fast and I feel I dont understand it enough to even know how to work it out.
Provide a graphical user interface for a calculator using Dr. Stroustrup’s code in the textbook as the base
1. Consider the following menu buttons (free design):
• decimal digits (0, . . . ,9) and decimal dot (.)
• parentheses (left ( and right ) )
• change sign (±) to change sign from + to − and from − to +in the displayed number
• four arithmetic operators (+,−,,/)
• percentage of a number (%) which is equivalent to dividing the number by 100
• square root (p or SQRT)
• exponentiation (ˆ) which takes a number to a power (example: 2.1ˆ3.2). Note that bpq = b(pq).
• result (=) to display a result
• clear (CR) to clear the display
• exit/quit (OFF) to exit from the program
2. All computations should be done using type double. Every number is treated as a floating-point decimal number
(even if it was entered without a floating-point dot).
3. If an operation cannot be handled, display the word “Error” (as in the division by 0, or calculating p−1)
4. The display should be implemented as an out_box.
5. You should not use any in_boxes. To enter numbers you use digit buttons, possibly with a decimal dot.
Here's a calculator that I have done that might help you with some calcualtions you want to do, but I don't have a GUI. (Sorry if its a bit long)
FYI I'm still a beginner but I thought this might help you
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
double num1; //An integer that the user will enter
double num2;
int numForRadian = 180;
double pi, radius, area, circum, diam; //declaring the numbers the user will enter for the radius, area, etc.
pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375; //defining PI
string userInput; //A variable needed for input into the program
float base, power, total; //declaring the numbers need for indexing
float radian;
int angle;
double percentage;
char mathOp; //char variable for math operators i.e "+", "*" etc
float sum; //float variable for the total of the two numbers the user enters
do{ //Do while loop to loop through the program
cout << "Please choose a Calculation you want to do: \nAddition - 1 \nMultiplication - 2 \nSubtraction - 3 \nDivison - 4 \nPower - 5 \nSquare Root - 6 " << endl;
cout << "Cirlce Calculations - 7 \nDegree to Radian - 8 \nPercentage - 9" << endl;
cin >> userInput;
if(userInput == "1") //if statement for addition if user enters 1
cout << "You chose Addition!" << endl;
cout << "Enter your calculation: " << endl;
cin >> num1; //inputting integer
cin >> mathOp;//inputting operator
cin >> num2;
case'+' : sum = num1 + num2; //if user enters 4+3 it will add
cout << "= " << sum; //printing out the total of the numbers entered
}elseif(userInput == "2")//same as last one just multiplies
cout << "\t* - Multiply" << endl;
cout << "You chose Multiplication!" << endl;
cout << "Enter your calculation: " << endl;
cin >> num1;
cin >> mathOp;
cin >> num2;
case'*' : sum = num1 * num2;
cout << "= " << sum;
}elseif(userInput == "3")//subtract calculation
cout << "You chose Subtraction!" << endl;
cout << "Enter your calculation: " << endl;
cin >> num1;
cin >> mathOp;
cin >> num2;
case'-' : sum = num1 - num2;
cout << "= " << sum;
}elseif(userInput == "4")//division calculation
cout << "\t/ - Division" << endl;
cout << "You chose Division!" << endl;
cout << "Enter your calculation: " << endl;
cin >> num1;
cin >> mathOp;
cin >> num2;
case'/' : sum = num1 / num2;
cout << "= " << sum;
}elseif(userInput == "5")//power calculation
cout << "You chose to Index your number!" << endl;
cout << "Please enter your base number: ";
cin >> base; //inputting the base number to index
cout << "Please enter the power: ";
cin >> power; //inputting the power
total = pow(base, power); //calcualte the base and power e.g 5^3
cout << base << " to the power of " << power << " = " << total << endl; //prints out the total
elseif(userInput == "6")///sqaure root calculation
cout << "You chose Square root!" << endl;
cout << "Please enter the number you want to Sqaure Root: ";
cin >> num1; //entering a number to sqrt
cout << "The sqaure root of " << num1 << " = " << sqrt(num1) << endl; //simple code to sqaure root the number
}elseif(userInput == "7")//cirlce calculation
cout << "You chose Cirlce Calculations!" << endl;
cout << "\nWhat do you want to calcualte?" << endl;
cout << "Area - 1" << endl;
cout << "Circumfrence - 2" << endl;
cin >> userInput;
if(userInput == "1")//if user enters 1 it will go to the area calculation
cout << "Please input value of radius for the area: " << endl;
cin >> radius;//inputting radius
area = pi * (radius*radius); //calculating area e.g Pi*r^2
cout << "The area of the cirlce is " << area << endl;//outputting area
elseif(userInput == "2")//if user enters 2 it will calcualte circumfrence
cout << "Please input the diameter of the cirlce for the circumfrence: " << endl;
cin >> diam;//inputting diameter
circum = pi * diam;//calculating circumfrence e.g Pi*d
cout << "The circumfrence is " << circum;//outputting cirumfrence
}elseif(userInput == "8")
cout << "You chose to convert degrees to radians!" << endl;
cout << "Enter your angle: " << endl;
cin >> angle;
radian = (pi / numForRadian) * angle;
cout << angle << " degrees in radian is " << radian;
elseif (userInput == "9")
cout << "You chose Percentage!" << endl;
cout << "Enter your calculation: " << endl;
cin >> num1;
cin >> mathOp;
cin >> num2;
case'/' : percentage = num1 / num2 * 100;
cout << "Error - Invalid Input!";
cout << "= " << percentage << endl;
cout << "\nWould you like to do another operation? (y/n)" << endl;
cin >> userInput;
}while(userInput == "y");//if user enters "y" it will loop the program again